Last week I went to Olympia, wa on a meetup with the olympia photography club. We shot photos of burning steel wool for about 2 hours. This was a lot of fun and easy to do. It's the kind of photography that you can't do all by yourslef since you need some one to twirl the burning steel wool. You put steel wool into a wire whisk and attached a cable or light chain about 1 yard long. You light the steel wool and swing it around. Watching it does not look like much but when you take a longer exposure with the camera on a tripod you can get very impressive photos. I set my camera on a tripod and used my cable release and set the iso to 100 and the f stop to 8. Then most of the shots I took at around 8 seconds with a few at 10, 12, 15 or even 6 seconds. I found for this evenings light etc that 8 seconds worked best. The wool does not burn for long so you will be lucky to get more than 1 good photo each time. I found I prefered leaving my white light setting on auto and did try some bclak and white as well as sepia. The sepia was crap, I did like the black and white but not as much as the color ones.
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